Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh Windy City.

Ah, the last day of classes. It seemed like it should have been more climatic, but really, it was just another day. It seems as though the ominous finals have cast a shadow over what should have been a fantastic day. Like when we were younger and the last day meant field day and cupcakes. Nope, they don't have that it college. Oh well. It was pretty freaking gorgeous outside today, so Abby and Jackie met me after my French oral presentation and we went for a little adventure down by the beach. It was so windy! The sand felt like needles on our skin! But it was totally be worth it to finally be outside with shorts on! Right off of campus there were approximately a Hundred people.

But, being the smarty-pants that we are, we walked down a bit and discovered the pier where you can walk out and see all the way down the coast of our lovely city. At the end of the pier was a sketchy guy with a bouquet of roses. I sort of could not stop staring at him... and apparantly that was a problem. Later we saw him with a girl, and the romantic in me wants to think that he asked her to marry him.

Off the beach is a little park, with a Giant basilisk-like structure coming out of the ground. Being 7 years old, we naturally climbed all over that thing! Also, very naturally, Abby found a baby that she wanted to steal. There are pictures, but that might have been overkill to add.

Along the beach are ah-dorable benches that were all painted different scenes. These are a few of my favorites. My goal is to paint one someday with my own design. I might have to enlist the help of a professional though, because no one would want to sit their behind down on the icky stuff that I would paint.
On the way back, we found an interesting gate. Is it necessary? Nope not at all. Abby and Jack and pretty confused by this... Do you think anyone really uses the door?

I think Jackie had a bit of a book-gasm when we stopped inside of The Armadillo Pillow. It was a bookstore straight out of Diagon Alley, yep, that's right. It was Flourish and Blots. The books were stacked high and the smell of old binding was fantastic. This store also reminded me of The Travel Book store from Notting Hill, but sadly it was a bitter looking woman, not Hugh Grant at the counter.

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