Saturday, August 28, 2010

I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can.

New Year. New stomping grounds. Since I came to Chicago a year ago I had previously declared myself a Cubs fan. Wrigleyville is filled with preppy guys rooting for their Cubbies even when they stink, it just seems classier than the White Sox somehow, ya know? They have the cute song that gets sung when the cubs win and they fly the "W" flag so you can see it from the El. Its sweet. So when we decided to go to a White Sox v. Yankees game, I think I wanted to root for the Yankees just to go against the Sox (sorry Will, I know this would get me killed in Boston =/ ) So we got on the El with some new friends =) and took the short ride to U.S. Cellular, which is technically closer than Wrigley now, sad day. It was definitely a different experience than the intimate Wrigley Field...IT WAS HUGE! I almost ate a true Chicago style hotdog, I had all the fixin's but I just couldn't give up my Heinz 57 Varieties. I love ketchup too much, it might be a problem. Ketchup and I have been seriously committed for way longer than I have been with Chicago, and I have no intention of breaking up, in relationship speak, that is. Also! Sarah got a scorecard for a dollar, she can count bases and all that jazz, CHECK HER OUT! There are lollipops that light up over the scoreboard during Take me out to the Ballgame! And If that isn't enough for you, just look at the vendors who sell margaritas from a backpack! - only 14.50 a cup. Bargain, duh.

Abby, Me, Sarah and Kaley!

Sarah and Abby with the Chi-City!

P.S. On a unrelated to baseball, but very related to the city side note... Today on a walk I saw two weddings, a Ferrari parked half on the street, half on the sidewalk outside my building and a man in swim trucks carrying a fresh dead fish - by the gills no less - down Michigan Ave. I love this city. 

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