So how is this relevant? Welllll, today we started out doing a bit of shopping just around the block, that's downtown for ya. We were supposed to help Jackie find some running shorts, but instead we all found new outfits from Lululemon, and a couple free yoga classes. We couldn't wait for those to start, so we commenced a new 1708 tradition, YOGA TIME! We cranked up the Enya mix and got down to business, down-dog that is! Sun Saluation! Vinyasa! Cobra! Oh my! SO EASTERN!
This is not an actual action shot. Disappointing, I know.
1: Yoga doesn't actually make me look like a murderer. 2: Sarah does give us this look a lot, true story.
Despite doing our own fun things like yoga time, it still feels like we are playing house, and that in a little while our moms are going to come back and say playtime is over, and make us go to our own houses for dinner. (Flashback to the days of my mom yelling out the front door "WHITE GIRLS, DINNER!" Not such a politically correct call in retrospect. Oops.) This is real-life! We do what we want now! And that is so frickin' weird to say!
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