Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh Windy City.

Ah, the last day of classes. It seemed like it should have been more climatic, but really, it was just another day. It seems as though the ominous finals have cast a shadow over what should have been a fantastic day. Like when we were younger and the last day meant field day and cupcakes. Nope, they don't have that it college. Oh well. It was pretty freaking gorgeous outside today, so Abby and Jackie met me after my French oral presentation and we went for a little adventure down by the beach. It was so windy! The sand felt like needles on our skin! But it was totally be worth it to finally be outside with shorts on! Right off of campus there were approximately a Hundred people.

But, being the smarty-pants that we are, we walked down a bit and discovered the pier where you can walk out and see all the way down the coast of our lovely city. At the end of the pier was a sketchy guy with a bouquet of roses. I sort of could not stop staring at him... and apparantly that was a problem. Later we saw him with a girl, and the romantic in me wants to think that he asked her to marry him.

Off the beach is a little park, with a Giant basilisk-like structure coming out of the ground. Being 7 years old, we naturally climbed all over that thing! Also, very naturally, Abby found a baby that she wanted to steal. There are pictures, but that might have been overkill to add.

Along the beach are ah-dorable benches that were all painted different scenes. These are a few of my favorites. My goal is to paint one someday with my own design. I might have to enlist the help of a professional though, because no one would want to sit their behind down on the icky stuff that I would paint.
On the way back, we found an interesting gate. Is it necessary? Nope not at all. Abby and Jack and pretty confused by this... Do you think anyone really uses the door?

I think Jackie had a bit of a book-gasm when we stopped inside of The Armadillo Pillow. It was a bookstore straight out of Diagon Alley, yep, that's right. It was Flourish and Blots. The books were stacked high and the smell of old binding was fantastic. This store also reminded me of The Travel Book store from Notting Hill, but sadly it was a bitter looking woman, not Hugh Grant at the counter.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where you Lead I will Follow...

So today I had a little bit of a rough morning. I was in class and then I felt sick, left and fainted in the hallway. Not. Cool. It's okay though because then I had an excuse to chill out and watch some of my favorite shows. Does 4:00 mean anything to you? Well, of course it means... GILMORE GIRLS! Today was the episode with Lorelei and Christopher flashing back to when Rory was born. Young Lorelei, fabulous. Young Christopher, suck-tastic. Anyways, these are pretty much my favorite Gilmore Girl's moments.

This is when Luke build Lorelei and Ice-Rink and it's so great because he loves that she is five years old at heart, so cute.

LORELAI: No. A proposal had to be something more than the desperate desire to end a bickering match.

MAX: It was more than that.

LORELAI: No, it has to be planned. It should be magical. There should be music playing and romantic lighting and a subtle buildup to the popping of the big question. There should be a thousand yellow daisies and candles and a horse and I don’t know what the horse is doing there unless you’re riding it, which seems a little over the top, but it should be more than this.

Logan: It'll be fun, it'll be a thrill. Something stupid, something bad for you. Just something different. Isn't this the point of being young? It's your choice, Ace. People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute. You climb up here with me, it's one less minute you haven't lived.

And finally, When Deans gives Max advice about Lorelei and Rory.... adorable.

DEAN: Kind of surprised.

MAX: I know. They're bottomless pits.

DEAN: I mean at you. You've known them long enough not to be so confused.

[They both sit on a bench.]

MAX: Oh, I'm not confused. I'm just . . . what do you mean?

DEAN: Their eating habits are just the start of what you're gonna have to get used to. There's tons of stuff you should be aware of.

MAX: Really?

DEAN: Oh yeah. Like, don't ever use the last of the parmesan cheese. And never get into a heavy discussion late at night 'cause that's when they're at their crankiest. Oh, and uh, go with their bits.

MAX: Their bits?

DEAN: Yeah, like, if you're eating pizza with them and Lorelai decides that the pepperoni is angry at the mushrooms because the mushrooms have an attitude and then she holds up a pepperoni and the pepperoni asks for your opinion...don't just laugh. Answer the pepperoni.

MAX: Answer the pepperoni.

DEAN: And don't let them near puppies 'cause they'll want to take home every one.

MAX: Oh, that one I knew.

DEAN: Oh, and uh, here's a big one. If you ever think that they're doing something crazy, they're not. You see, after a while, their thinking becomes clear, but by the time it's clear, they've already done two other totally crazy things that you can't figure out. So there's no catching up.

I freaking love Gilmore Girls for a million more reasons, but that would just be annoying. Haha

...I will follow where you lead

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring! (Well Actually Just a Warmer Version of Winter)

Being in Chicago has given me a little different perspective of spring time this year. It may not be 70 degrees and sunny all the time, but my friends and I have been getting out and enjoying the city so much! One one of the first warm weekends we made the trek to Lincoln Park Zoo! We saw all the Zoo babies and maybe some things that we could have gone without seeing (Zebra anyone?) The best part about it was that it is ABSOLUTELY FREE, which believe me, is a big deal for a college student. The only scary thing was on the bus on the way there I believe I had a crazy on my hands. The woman sitting next to me was muttering to herself about being stabbed in the neck, having needles poked in her eyes and kept saying softly "This is the worst bus ride ever." Ok cray cray, chill out. Boy, was I glad to get off that bus, well that's the CTA for ya! (The picture is my sassy friends expertly demonstrating to Mufasa and Narabi the "Circle of Life")
Recently after the zoo, we made a quick trip to the Lake, Swan Lake that is. We all got gussied up and went downtown for Ghiadelli's and the show on my birthday. The birthday fairy godmother must have been looking out for us since she upgraded our tickets to BOX FREAKING SEATS! Yep, that's right. We're classy.

And as if that weren't enough, my dad came to visit me that weekend. We went to a Cubs game against the Astros and although they lost, I did enjoy my ballpark dog (oops, I may have put ketchup on it), seeing McLovin' throw out the opening pitch and the sign that read "Houston, We don't have a Problem."

Later that night, my dad was quite the ladies' man and took my 4 best friends to the RAINFOREST! We ate jungle fries and jungle burgers (but no jungle juice of course). Then *drum roll please* there was a flaming volcanofor dessert, complete with sparkler and all! You can bet your butt it tasted about as fantastic as it sounds! Needless today, Best Birthday Weekend Ever!

Woah, I'm a blogger!

I'm starting this blog because I HAVE THOUGHTS!
Just a little humor from one of my favorite Meryl films (that's for you Sarah).

Anyways, I thought since the theme of this is whole sh-bang seems to be ice cream I would start off by pretty much telling my favorite story about the stuff.

So, for the past 27,900 times that I have gotten ice cream with my dad it is always the same. First, I order something with every topping, and then he orders a small vanilla cone. Then we go sit down and eat our ice cream. Mine starts melting all over the place, and he non-chalantly licks his like a pro. It's sort of freaking how he seems to have anti-melting force field around his cone ALL THE TIME. Anyways, about halfway through he says "You know, 80% of ice cream is consumed after 8 pm" (because we always eat it after 8)

You know what Dad, I did know that. And also, the number changes every single time. But I won't mention it, because what would be the point of getting that after dinner treat if I didn't also get that great factoid.