Saturday, August 28, 2010

I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can.

New Year. New stomping grounds. Since I came to Chicago a year ago I had previously declared myself a Cubs fan. Wrigleyville is filled with preppy guys rooting for their Cubbies even when they stink, it just seems classier than the White Sox somehow, ya know? They have the cute song that gets sung when the cubs win and they fly the "W" flag so you can see it from the El. Its sweet. So when we decided to go to a White Sox v. Yankees game, I think I wanted to root for the Yankees just to go against the Sox (sorry Will, I know this would get me killed in Boston =/ ) So we got on the El with some new friends =) and took the short ride to U.S. Cellular, which is technically closer than Wrigley now, sad day. It was definitely a different experience than the intimate Wrigley Field...IT WAS HUGE! I almost ate a true Chicago style hotdog, I had all the fixin's but I just couldn't give up my Heinz 57 Varieties. I love ketchup too much, it might be a problem. Ketchup and I have been seriously committed for way longer than I have been with Chicago, and I have no intention of breaking up, in relationship speak, that is. Also! Sarah got a scorecard for a dollar, she can count bases and all that jazz, CHECK HER OUT! There are lollipops that light up over the scoreboard during Take me out to the Ballgame! And If that isn't enough for you, just look at the vendors who sell margaritas from a backpack! - only 14.50 a cup. Bargain, duh.

Abby, Me, Sarah and Kaley!

Sarah and Abby with the Chi-City!

P.S. On a unrelated to baseball, but very related to the city side note... Today on a walk I saw two weddings, a Ferrari parked half on the street, half on the sidewalk outside my building and a man in swim trucks carrying a fresh dead fish - by the gills no less - down Michigan Ave. I love this city. 

Friday, August 27, 2010

Oh Jackie...

Oh no! Our plan for the biggest cookie went HORRIBLY WRONG.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

We do Yoga in the Living Room.

When I was little my mom always read this book to me called "We eat dinner in the bathtub." It was all about this family who used the different rooms in their house to do strange things. They slept in the dining room, cooked in the bedroom and such and such. Moving in was CRAZY and for a while there was no hope for ever having room to doing anything, and we could have very possibly had to do just this! Eat dinner in the bathtub! Just kidding, we don't have a bathtub, but we do have a seat in the shower. Plus Plus of a handicap room! (along with the peep hole close to my belly button!) But everything is great now! Including the mermaid themed bathrooms and the Friends themed Living room. Best Part? Gunther on the Kitchen table saying "Rachel has those shoes in Brown." It's like eating at Central Perk, all day, ev'ry day. Things like this make us really loud. Wonder why? We were really happy to find out that the stairs are on one side of our room and the elevators are on the other. We can get REALLY loud no problem now! Heck yes!

So how is this relevant? Welllll, today we started out doing a bit of shopping just around the block, that's downtown for ya. We were supposed to help Jackie find some running shorts, but instead we all found new outfits from Lululemon, and a couple free yoga classes. We couldn't wait for those to start, so we commenced a new 1708 tradition, YOGA TIME! We cranked up the Enya mix and got down to business, down-dog that is! Sun Saluation! Vinyasa! Cobra! Oh my! SO EASTERN! 

This is not an actual action shot. Disappointing, I know. 

1: Yoga doesn't actually make me look like a murderer. 2: Sarah does give us this look a lot, true story.

Despite doing our own fun things like yoga time, it still feels like we are playing house, and that in a little while our moms are going to come back and say playtime is over, and make us go to our own houses for dinner. (Flashback to the days of my mom yelling out the front door "WHITE GIRLS, DINNER!" Not such a politically correct call in retrospect. Oops.) This is real-life! We do what we want now! And that is so frickin' weird to say!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing, In Perfect Harmony!

This title lies. I love the world full of disharmony and dissonance... neither of which are displeasing to this girl! Somehow all the stars alined and the Whipty-Do! Crew was able to have a night on the town, aka down the street at Red Rock Karaoke night, but same difference. We belted our hearts out to the irritation of a specific bartender, who we decided wasn't worth our worry, and we continued, maybe even louder. Natalie and I started the night off with a twang-y and pitchy rendition of Sugarland's (what can I say, new obsession, oops!) Somethin' More. Then we all sang Stay Beautiful and Party in the USA (picked by our new bestie, the DJ). Ally and Ellie were super brave, no liquid courage necessary, and sang solo's of I Hope You Dance and Hey Jude, respectively. The next song Natalie and I lined up was dedicated to Abby, so naturally we picked Your Body is a Wonderland, we just couldn't keep it to ourselves everyone joined in. We made friends with the fellow karaoke-ers, G and Tina, Karl and Buck. Heck Yes! Best Friends for Life. If only we were going to be around next Tuesday... and not off starting new lives in many different cities. Maybe the Chicago Girls will be up for Karaoke too, here's hoping!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chillin at Whipty-do!

Just practicing for karaoke night. No big deal. We rock. Literally.

"Life is a Runaway Train you Can't Wait to Jump on."

My Dad and I before the Concert

I guess I need to pay more attention to who sings my favorite country songs, because last night at the Sugarland concert I must have leaned over and told my Dad at least three or four times that I had no idea Sugarland sang the song playing. Good thing I didn't dismiss the thought of going because I knew only a couple songs they sang! Little Big Town and Vonda Shepard opened for the band, and even though I had really never heard any of their songs, I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed them. 

Little Big Town

hen Sugarland took the stage all the country fans from Cincinnati and Kentucky, including me got crazy excited! I knew that Jennifer Nettles was a great singer, but she was also a great performer and all around entertainer. My dad pointed out how great it is that she was able to go from her southern twang to gorgeous vocals effortlessly, all in the mist of one song. 

My personal favorites of the night included the song "Already Gone" (hence the title of the post), "Genevieve" (which I think I noticed the lyrics change from "I'd do anything to just be with her" to "I'd do anything to just forget her, interesting?...) and especially the song "Everyday America". In the middle of the song, Jennifer Nettles threw in a country remix of Single Ladies, some Jackson Five and Party in the U.S.A.! And how can I forget the accordion solo, played by her keyboardist with a superb handlebar mustache. 

In honor of Elvis' passing, Sugarland brought Little Big Town back out to sing "Walking in Memphis," which is one of my Dad's favorite songs and their rendition gave me chills, it was amazing. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wowza! Two Reds games in a week with Will! How lucky am I?!

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Preparation: A little off Track.

It is finally close enough to school starting again that I can begin to pack and get things ready without being considered crazy and overly anxious. (Well some might still call me crazy with the label making fiasco that has been going on, but that is beside the point). A few days ago I started going through the things that I had packed away in May, which seems forever ago and I was pleasantly surprised to find many things that I had forgotten about.

Exhibit # 1: Last spring I was obsessed with saving all the tops to my Snapple bottles, because I thought the sayings on them were so clever and quirky. I found a whole bag of them, and after they still made me chuckle I decided I couldn't throw them away, so I cleaned them off and made them into little magnets for our refrigerator!

Fun Snapple Facts:
The first lollipop was invented in Connecticut.
Broadway is one of the longest streets in the world, it is 150 miles long.
Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
A spider's silk is stronger than steel.
The planet Saturn has a density lower than water. It would float.
An average of three billion cups of tea are consumed daily, worldwide.
The most popular ice cream flavor is vanilla =)

After getting out my boxes of school supplies I found a lot of my Sharpie collection that I thought had gotten lost. Yay for hidden storage places! I thought as I went through these that I have two favorite colors that I usually take notes with, plum and burgundy. They are the perfect colors, they don't really bleed as much as others, they are more interesting than black yet still dark enough to not have to try to read. I really wanted to buy more of just those colors, doesn't seem too unreasonable right? Well let me tell you! After going to three craft stores, I went online and still found nothing that would satisfy my needs. Although I did find this Sharpie Gem! Awesome, right? So, I decided to email Sharpie and ask them straight up if I could buy just those colors in bulk. They were about 50% helpful, I can buy plum in bulk but I am still on the rampant search for burgundy, let me know if anyone knows more than me!

Exhibit #2 Plum and Burgundy!

Last year I had many bouquets of fake flowers in my room (God knows I couldn't keep up with real ones!) But I didn't have my favorite kind, sunflowers! I was having trouble finding some that I really liked, they either looked way too fake or were way too expensive. In the mean time, my mom picked up the real deal! at the grocery store and I was having fun taking pictures with my camera that I discovered had a setting for plants, who knew!

Also on another note before I left, my sister Katie and I wanted to visit Old Milford and go to a cupcakery called Sugar. Sugar was featured on the show Cupcakes Wars earlier this summer, (apparantly I am now obsessed with going to places that are on the Food Network? Three in a month, woah now!) It was super cutesy and decorated in browns and purples, and the cupcakes were delicious, it is a close second to the first cupcake store that I have mentioned, Sweeterie. It might have to do with the fact that Sugar is all organic, which as healthy as that is, it just can't beat that real sugary goodness. You know, the stuff that might eventually kill you, but tastes damn good until it does.

Sugar, on Main Street in Milford

Official Countdown until Baumhart (aka 17 Cherry Tree Lane) Move-In:
10 days!

Monday, August 9, 2010

I Solemnly Swear I am Up to No Good.

I started out with the seventh book, preparing for the first installment out in November. But, as my love for Harry, Hermione and Ron re-blossomed, so did my reading list. It might not have been the most academically stimulating book agenda, but taking a trip through memory lane as I worked through the Harry Potter series again was refreshing and a dose of exactly what I needed to clear my brain of the headache inducing Honors book list of the school, and read something that was purely pleasurable. What I had never noticed before is that as I grew up, so did the books. J.K. Rowling obviously knew what she was doing because as her audience and her characters mature, so did her style of writing. Even after reading the books for a second and third time I can't help but cry when Cedric, Sirius and especially when Dumbledore and so many others die. She makes it as though the reader feels like they are friends with the novel. I was 8 years old when The Sorcerer's Stone was published and I was 16 when The Deathly Hallows was released, right in the middle of the ages that the books were targeted at, and roughly the same ages as the characters that the books followed. This is further proof that Emma Watson and I might be long lost twins, given that we share birthdays and flawless British accents.

Recap of  Hilarious (almost!) Forgotten Dumbledore, aka my favorite character ever, Quotes:
HP1: Dumbledore "I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
HP5: Dumbledore's Howler "Addressed to Mrs. Petunia Dursley, The Kitchen, Number Four Privet Drive"
HP6: Dumbledore "And now, Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure"
HP6: Dumbledore, Amycus and Alecto "Good evening Amycus" said Dumbledore calmly as though welcoming the man to a tea party. "And you've brought Alecto too...charming!" "Think your little jokes will help you on your deathbed then?" she jeered
"Jokes, No, no these are manners"replied Dumbledore.

Mischief Managed.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Oh Hilton Head!

We left the house at precisely 1:00:00 on the dot, per the commands of a drill-sergeant-like father. We traveled approx. 7 hours to the lovely town of Spartanburg, SC. As great as "upstate" sounds, there was nothing upscale about our overnight stay. We did stop at The Beacon, which was featured on "Drive-ins, Diners and Dives" but seeing as it was late, we didn't get the full experience and just settled for huge ice cream sundaes instead. Don't get too excited, their banana split had nothing on Whipty-Do's version! 

The next day we woke up and drove about 2 hours to the University of South Carolina where we met my cousin, Annie for a personal tour of her campus! All of Columbia reeked with southern charm, from its horseshoe quad to the yellow, pink and white dorm buildings. If Kate ends up there I will have no problem making the trip during the cold Chicago winters. 

We finally arrived in Hilton Head at about 5 o'clock that night, a relief to the rest of the very traveled out family (what can I say, they are weak). Then that first night was spent in the familiar South Beach Marina, where the Salty Dog Café is, although we were too hungry to wait to eat there, so we ate at one of the other restaurants. 

On Monday we woke up very early to go out on Jet-Ski's, which was totally worth the loss of sleep. The previous year, my cousin Caroline and I beat everyone with the fastest pace and were determined to do the same this year. We spent alot of time racing, doing doughnuts and going at break-neck speeds, but we also saw dolphins and went through creeks. When we announced to the family that we had gone 79, they were amazed, what they failed to realize (not that we minded to correct them) is that our speed was set to kilometers/hour. Hahaha...

We had an intense conversation Tuesday night at dinner, more than once the waitress looked afraid to be at our table. The fam didn't stray far because the topics went from College Football to Pro Football to T.O. to Chad Ochocino, (who Katie meet the other night at J. Alexanders!) to Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch to Rock of Love to the Bachelorette (Katie? were you happy about Roberto, I forget, I don't think you ever told us your opinion). Basically Annie's nightmare of conversation topics, she will be providing approved conversation topics in the future. Even if it was a bit juvenile, I ended up spitting out my food because of laughing. Way to keep it classy family. 

On Wednesday morning my Dad and I were the only ones who woke up to go to one of my favorite places on Hilton Head Island, the Flamingo Café. Here they have a small shop, no frills, where the specialty doughnuts, glazes and toppings are all written in chalk and you can pick anything you want. I have heard that they don't even fry the doughnut until you order it, so when you get the doughnut, it practically melts in your mouth and leaves you happily in a sugar coma for the rest of the morning.

Continuing with our adventures, we decided to rent bikes and go to South Beach again. We got ice-cream and then headed back. Kate decided to finally step up and bring out her "A-Game" at the exact minute when my cousin Caroline had a minor spazz with her bike, and lost the chain and ended up like a greasy mechanic fixing it! 

Fun at the Beach! 

We sadly left at 6 am on Saturday to be sure we would get home with enough time for Katie to go to the Saint Margaret of York Festival. About half way home I realized that I had forgotten Happy Bear, which I have had since I was born! Luckily my mother's new bestie, Adam, found it and he is on his way home soon! Now I am really glad that I never actually met the guy that she went on about all week.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

This is Now the Final Rose.

What's the best thing about Monday night? Definitely Chris Harrison face time. My perfect episode would be a whole show dedicated to the host of 10+ years. Bachelors and Bachelorettes may come and go, and love may fade, but at least you always know that Chris Harrison is forever loyal to the cause. If I were the Bachelorette, I would get down to the final rose and say "You know what... I'd like to reconsider from all of these hunky guys, Chris Harrison, Will you accept this Rose, and run off into the camera-ready sunset with me?" Yet another season sadly ended without this sort of finale. The best part about scandals is not that they are dramatic and entertaining, but it usually means that Chris Harrison is involved. Throughout the season with Ali, there was first drama with Justin, and Jake and Vienna's break-up, and then Frank and each time Chris Harrison stepped up and moderated with high class. Although I am happy that all these girls find love, I think they are overlooking the man right beneath their noses. Think about it, through thick and thin Chris Harrison is super supportive and acts as a best friend and voice of reason, in a time when emotions run high! The fact that he is always around, yet does not always make it on camera, makes the heart grow fonder. The way that he interrupts deep conversation in favor of a commercial break to insure that his show is supported for years to come is really quite selfless, he only thinks of his fans, clearly.

Monday, August 2, 2010

It's Like My ipod Stuck on Replay, Replay...

Everyone needs to have that perfect, drivin' with the windows down, hair blowin' in the breeze, chilling by the pool and relaxin at the beach, summer playlist. This is it, for now.

Another Top Ten List!

1. Your Body is a Wonderland John Mayer
2. Teenage Dream Katy Perry 
3. Hot Child in the City Nick Glider and Time Machine
5. Corona and Lime Shwayze
 6. Ridin’ Solo Jason Deroulo
7. Ego Beyoncé
8. Toes  Zac Brown Band
9. Waving Flag K'naan
10. If it's Love Train

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ode to Carebear

So I have a cousin, and she is pretty ghetto-fabulous. I promised a blog that was all about the wonders that is Caroline Beury. I can't possibly think of one thing that I admire about her the most. Is it her wicked dance moves that bring all the boys to the yard? Is it her impecablesense of style, (see picture below)? Is it her ability to GTL all day (picture 3), even while 3,000 miles away in Rome? It is most likely a combination of all of her wonderful assets. If incest wasn't illegal in 48 states, I'd tap that.

Cute, Care.

Jersey Shore Fist Pump Action

Pretty Cousins, Plus Caroline.

What a classy bitch. "I'm like a turtle, once I'm on my back, I'm screwed."

In all seriousness, if that is still possible, this chica makes family functions virtually pain-free and pretty snazzy, if I must say so myself. Since the good old days back in VA, she has headed the cool commitee of the McBride clan. So, thanks Care, for not being a total bore.